考雅邏輯寫作發布時間:18-05-1920:10In many countries,people can eat a wide variety of food that are grown in other areas. As a result, they eat more food produced in other regions than local food. Do you think the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages? 2016.8.13原題關鍵詞:eat more good;注意轉折后的句子,才是我們在主體段論證的重點。題目大意:在許多國家,人們可以吃到其他地區種植的各種各樣的食物。因此,他們吃的食物在其他地區比當地食物多。你認為這種發展的好處大于壞處嗎?#參考范文Our diet is becoming more diversified than before, with a wider range of food imported transportedfrom other regions.Many people prefer this kind of food tolocally produced food and as a result, the consumption of local food declines, while the food produced in other regions is gaining popularity.消費更多進口食品的好處1. 國家從外地進口更多種類的食物,人們的選擇就會增多,能夠滿足不同消費群體的飲食習慣。比如:住在相對寒冷地區的人們,可以購買到熱帶地區的食物,如香蕉、椰子、芒果等。2. 促進國家之間的貿易合作,提高各國特有食品的生產力,節約了生產成本。This trend can increase the varieties of food and provide people more choices in their daily diet. For instance people in China can buy some bread and biscuits that are imported from foreign countries. Meanwhile,those who live in cold areas can try some fruits such as bananas, mango,pineapple and coconut that are grown in tropical area. Also,this would encourage the trade between different regions,as any country or region can focus on the production of the local food and exchange it with others. As a result, the productivity increases significantly and people can buy high quality food at low prices.費更多進口食品的弊端1. 本地生產的食物肯定更新鮮,經過長時間、長距離的運輸,為了防止食物變質,不得不使用防腐劑(preservative)延長保鮮期(shelf life),有害人們的身體健康。2. 如果只消費進口食品,會導致當地的一些食物慢慢的不受歡迎,也算是食品文化上的一種損失。However,this trend also has some negative effects, both on individuals and on the society. Food produced locally is believed to be fresher than that transported a long distance from other regions.To increase the shelf life, preservatives are commonly used in food processing, which poses a risk to peoples health, as these additives may contain some harmful substances. In additlon the local food reflects a regions customs and cultures. If people prefer to eat the food produced in other regions, some local special food may diminish, which would be a loss of local food culture.Overall, we can expect more food in other regions to appear on our dining table. This can enrich our lives, but meanwhile there are some problems that should not be ignored.「劍橋英語在用」詞匯深度學習